The Club Program. Each club must meet the following basic requirements:
1. It must have open membership (no voting).
2. It must have a definite series of worthwhile programs.
3. Its name must be appropriate and clear as to the purpose of the club.
4. It must not collect dues unless it is affiliated with a national or state group which collects dues.
5. It must not collect fines of any kind.
6. It must require no pin (unless state or national), no sweater, or other sign of recognition which might be an expense to members.
7. The sponsor must submit to the annual club survey at the end of the year.
8. The Club Sponsor must be an approved BCSC full time staff member.
All club members must take an active part in the club work and activities in order to retain membership. All projects for raising or spending money must have the approval of the assistant principal for student activities. Requests for money-making projects should have a specific reason for money which serves club purposes.
New Clubs
If a student or students have an idea for a club which they think they would enjoy and can find fifteen other interested students and a CNHS teacher (or approved staff member) willing to serve as a sponsor, these students may submit a CNHS request form for a charter to the sponsor who will present it to the assistant principal for student activities. All clubs should have a written constitution on file and must be able to produce it on demand.